Organizing Your Fridge Like a Pro

You do not really have to be an OCD patient to keep your fridge clean and well organized. Staying organized and neat helps a lot in your life and they also make you feel good whenever you see your well-organized items. However, some people are not good at it. Luckily, there are a lot of tips and tricks you could use to help you get your fridge completely organized.

Your fridge has all the raw materials and cooked meals to feed you and your family. However, if there is a bad odor in your fridge, will you eat anything present in the fridge? The smell puts your mood off and you are unable to hold your breath. Some people even vomit in some cases. But you could even end up ruining your fridge! Just think about the spills causing the fridge to malfunction. Then you would have to go to a Refrigerator Clearance Sale or possibly search for a Used Refrigerator For Sale in Cypress TX.

To avoid these unwanted situations and circumstances, here is everything that you could do to organize your fridge easily and comfortably.

Remove all the Unnecessary Materials
The very first step is to empty your fridge until it has nothing in it. Categorize your removed fridge contents into usable and wastes. Discard all the wastes and sub categorize the usable contents. The cosmetics mostly placed inside the fridge are mostly expired as we forget about the expiry dates so discard those. You should also take advantage of the adjustable shelves if your fridge has an option! Only keep those items in the fridge that you absolutely need.

Organize Your Fridge Shelves

The fridge mostly comes with shelves that have gaps between them. In case of spills, most of the fridge is bound to get messy. You can use shelves liners in the fridge to avoid spills and mess in the fridge. It also prevents the sticky vegetables and fruits to affect other things when they go soft after passage of time.

Wipe All the Shelves

Switch the fridge off and take everything out. Then you should take some cleaning solution and a dry cloth to clean the inside of your fridge. That includes the shelves and everything else that you can clean without there being any issues. If you can take the drawers out, take them out and put them in soapy water and let them dry. You should not take a lot of time during this step because your food items could go bad if they are left outside for too long. Don’t let your food spoil just because you are cleaning your fridge out.

Put Everything Back in An Organized Way

You should be careful with this step because you need to set everything in its right place. See if you can place like things together. For example, you could put all the dairy items together in one stack. All your vegetables and fruits could go in one drawer. All the old food items could go in plastic containers that fit neatly into the fridge without taking too much space. It would also be a good idea to put something in your fridge that removes the annoying odor in it. A great option is putting some baking soda in an open container and placing it in the back.

Utilize Some Space On the Walls

There might be a lot of space alongside the walls of the fridge. You could utilize that by adding in some hanging baskets. A lot of items could easily be stored inside such as small packets of cheese or small packets of ketchup that you get when you order food from online restaurants.
